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Roadmap Access

Short Online Programs

Short Online Programs

El nuevo contexto global nos invita a repensar el futuro para innovar y seguir siendo competitivos. Los cuatro nuevos programas cortos en línea le brindarán nuevas herramientas, metodologías y habilidades para iniciar o acelerar su desarrollo en el mundo de la innovación aplicada a proyectos asesorados por profesionales a nivel global.
3 módulos de 12 horas cada uno
3 sesiones por módulo
4 horas por sesión, combinando transmisión en vivo y flexible (casos de estudio y actividades)
36 horas totales por programa.

Brand Driven

People, Brand & Experience

Apply in-depth techniques and methodologies of the Design Thinking process to truly understand customers and users and design strategies and experiences to create a competitive, differentiated and memorable offer.​


Mindset, Modeling & Financing​

Apply the tools and metholodologies to develop an innovative and disruptive mindset to model and finance new sustainable businesses.

Leading a Culture
of Innovation.

Approach, Overcome & Cultivate

A program for training leaders with tools and methodologies to cultivate a creative spirit in teams or organizations , generate solutions and develop new ways to foster innovation, agility and commitment.

Copyright 2022 CEDIM

Center of Higher Studies of Design of Monterrey S.C.

Recognition of official validity of studies granted by the
Government of the state of Nuevo León, 14-1-85, official newspaper 6-III-85; CDL-VI 005/2008 --

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